Ajo Copper News
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Who are we?

The Ajo Copper News was founded in 1916 and was bought by Richard F. & Ann Hollister David in 1967.  In 1983, Gabrielle David succeeded her mother as editor and her brother Hollister J. "Hop" David followed his father as publisher. Before his death in 2016, their brother Joseph David spent nearly a decade working with them. The Davids are supported by a staff who work hard at keeping them in line.

Gabrielle David is the editor. She may be reached at at editor@cunews.info

H.J. "Hop" David is the publisher. He may be reached at hopd@cunews.info

Kattie Allen handles the front desk and also takes pictures and does some writing. She is also our retail manager and handles subscriptions. She may be reached at kattieallen@cunews.info

Kristin King is our office and public notice manager and also handles most of the billing. She may be reached at KristinKing@cunews.info

Andrew Sisk covers the school board meetings.

Jason Lacewell lends an hand where needed.

Sarah Spitzer makes sure mail-ordered books get sent out promptly and that bookss are priced and entered into inventory.

Terry Mason helps keep our place clean.

Our phone number is 520-387-7688

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